Summer battles 2023

Not only are we going to rock some very cool festivals this summer, we’re also going to play a few selected clubs.

We have chosen really great support bands for this, check out the respective line up for your city!

And the very best: In Dortmund and Wiesbaden our friends from TRIVIUM will also be on stage!

It’s going to be a great trip, we really look forward to seeing you!

HSB Tour 2022
Wir haben das Motto ‘NEULAND’ für diese kleine, aber feine Konzertreise nicht umsonst gewählt, denn wir spielen in Clubs, in denen wir bisher nicht zu sehen waren. Ja wir reisen dafür sogar in ferne Länder in denen wir in noch nie (!) gespielt haben: Bremen und Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, wir kommen endlich zu Euch und entfernen diesen unfassbaren Schandfleck aus unserer Bandgeschichte!!!

‘NEULAND’ aber auch, weil es uns ein großes Anliegen ist, jungen und neuen Bands, die während der Pandemiezeit keine Chance hatten in das Licht der Öffentlichkeit zu treten, eine Möglichkeit zu geben, sich vor einem breiteren Publikum zu präsentieren. Wir werden daher auf dieser Tour keine Supportband im klassischen Sinne dabei haben, sondern es wird jeden Abend eine tolle Nachwuchsband die Chance bekommen, sich zu zeigen! Genaue Informationen zu der Aktion werden in Kürze bekannt gegeben. Also seid dabei und ergattert ein Ticket, das wird fett. Wir freuen uns riesig darauf, mit Euch die Clubs einzureißen, bevor es dann bald wieder auf die großen Bühnen geht!
Limitierte Hardtickets gibt es wie immer bei Impericon und konventionelle  Tickets via Eventim!”
HSB Tour 2021

There has been a strong and special connection between TRIVIUM and HSB since the earliest days. When we met TRIVIUM for the first time, they were very young but already highly talented youngsters, today they´re a global power of metal. Over the years HSB and TRIVIUM destroyed small clubs and demolished big arenas together, we had great times together in both Saalfeld and Sydney. We´re proud and touched, that our common history is now being continued and we finally tour Europe with the guys again. The fact, that two exceptional bands such as TesseracT and Fit for an Autopsy complete the line-up tops it all off.

We will be headlining one of the XR-Stages and play a special mixed reality show only for this event. This will be our very first show after the live break – needless to say, that we´re totally excited to play for you. Have a look at for time tables and other info. There will also be a special limited Event-Shirt available here: See you in a mixed reality!!!

HSB Wacken World Wide Event HSB Wacken World Wide Event

It really happened!

HSB is No.1 in the official German Album Charts! Thank you so much for supporting us and buying OF TRUTH AND SACRIFICE! It feels unreal and is something we never really expected.

Then on the other hand: Times are crazy and in the end chart positions are not important at all. We hope you guys and your loved ones are safe and healthy! Listen to good music folks!

Heaven Shall Burn

Today is the day! OF TRUTH AND SACRIFICE is coming to you! We´re more than happy. And we hope this record will help you through these crazy times. Have fun, be safe and stay healthy folks!

Heaven Shall Burn

Save the date!!! March 20th is the release Date for our new double-record OF TRUTH AND SACRIFICE. Pre-Orders are up as of now! 

Please have a look at the artwork for our upcoming record OF TRUTH AND SACRIFICE.

We could not be more happy with the result! Eliran Kantor did a great job on this one and especially the vinyl and cd-boxes will look stunning having this unique piece of art on it. 

The double album will be out in Spring 2020!